Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law FirmCivil RightsText Link

New York Lawyers for Inmates’ Rights

If you've experienced police misconduct, civil rights violations, or abuse while in custody — whether from excessive force by police officers, misconduct by correctional officers, or institutional negligence — our civil rights attorneys are here to help.

The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm specializes in holding law enforcement accountable and seeking justice for victims of police abuse and institutional misconduct. Contact us today to discuss your case.

The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm team
The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm team
The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm team
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Our Notable Civil Rights Verdicts & Settlements

Civil Rights


Life threatening neck trauma

Civil Rights

$3 Million

Firm settles largest inmate sexual assault claim against U.S. government in history

Civil Rights


A PA held hostage by a violent inmate at Rikers, leading to a severe trauma

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We Are the Most Trusted Lawyers for Inmates in NY

New York jail injury lawyers

Prison violence and abuse in New York State Prisons has significantly increased over the past few years, including an alarming increase in reports of inmate sexual assault at the hands of correctional officers and prison staff. No one should be subject to unsafe and violent conditions while incarcerated, and correctional facilities are obligated to protect  you from any form of cruel and unusual punishment. 

Our prisoners rights lawyers have represented clients who have suffered from sexual assault, denial of medication or insulin, or attacks from fellow prisoners. The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm has over 30 years of experience representing inmates who have suffered abuse in New York City jails and jails across the country, including but not limited to: 

  • Manhattan Correctional Center (MCC)
  • Rikers Island
  • Clinton Correctional Facility
  • Fishkill Correctional Facility 
  • FCI Dublin
  • FCI Tallahassee

Our criminal civil rights attorneys serve clients in these facilities and beyond, handling cases involving police misconduct, excessive force, and institutional abuse.

If you or a loved one have sustained an inmate injury in prison, suffered worsening symptoms due to denial of medical care, or lost a loved one due to anything but natural causes, contact an inmates civil rights lawyer in New York at the Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm. We can help you hold the institution and responsible parties accountable.

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Common Types of Abuse and Neglect that Prisoners Incur in Jail

Common types of abuse and neglect that prisoners may experience while incarcerated include the following:

Medical Malpractice

Any catastrophic injuries you have experienced due to negligent medical care, including failure to properly diagnose an illness or failure to provide appropriate medical care.

Physical Abuse Resulting in an Injury

Excessive use of force, inmate on inmate assault, or any forms of physical violence that have resulted in serious physical injury while in prison.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual abuse, rape, and forcible touching, penetration, or any form of sexual contact between facility staff and a prisoner is illegal and considered a criminal offense.

Prisoners may experience other forms of abuse that constitute a civil rights violation such as: 

  • Failure to provide mental health care
  • Targeted harassment due to sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or nationality 
  • Injuries from prison overcrowding or unsafe facility conditions  

In severe cases, these forms of abuse and neglect can lead to wrongful death in prison. This occurs when a prisoner dies due to the negligence, abuse, or failure to provide adequate care by prison staff or the institution. Wrongful death cases may arise from untreated medical conditions, suicide resulting from inadequate mental health support, or fatal assaults that could have been prevented with proper supervision.

The state may be liable for your prison injury claim or wrongful death case if we can show that you or your loved one have sustained serious injuries or died as a result of their care. Our prison abuse attorneys can help you gather evidence and file a lawsuit to get the justice you deserve.

Speak with an inmate abuse attorney today to discuss your rights.

What Can You Do to Start Standing up for Yourself?

New York jail injury lawyers

The United States Constitution protects your civil rights from being violated by the criminal justice system. 

If you believe that your constitutional rights have been violated, you should submit a report through your facility’s grievance process and pursue any administrative remedies that are available to you. Additionally, it is important to do your best to gather evidence of any injuries or abusive behavior. 

However, reporting abuse through the prison system can be difficult due to fear of retaliation. A prison abuse lawyer at the Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm can help you navigate the legal process and seek injunctive relief.

How Do We Go About Your Case?

Our lawyers for incarcerated inmates understand that this can be an emotionally exhausting time for you and your family, but we are here to support you and help you seek justice against the institutions who were responsible for your prisoner abuse. Incarceration should never be a barrier to accessing the legal representation you deserve. 

The state may be liable for paying your prisoner abuse claim if you and your attorney can prove negligence and deliberate indifference on the part of the staff or prison officials. This can include anything from refusing to provide needed medications to injuries sustained from being in the vicinity of other inmates known to have violent outbursts. 


Our Clients’ Reviews


I cannot rate the firm any higher! we are extremely happy with the service we received from Brad, Chris and the team. We are northern Irish citizens and as such had no experience of the US justice system, Chris and Brad helped us navigate this and made sure we understood every step of the process and we were kept informed of what would happen with the case.

We also felt that Brad and Chris had a genuine interest in our story, what the implications for us as a family were and they were genuinely invested in how they could help our situation.

We were reassured by the manor in which Chris and Brad dealt with us and trusted that the advice we were given was always well balanced and in our best interests. We were extremely happy with the outcome the firm achieved for us and feel that we only got this outcome due to the hard work of Chris and Brad. I would not hesitate to recommend the firm to anyone who is considering a case and wants to feel as though they are really valued as a client.

Many thanks to the firm for all of their hard work on our behalf it truly is appreciated.

Leanne Montgomery




Let’s go to the beginning when I realize that I was going to need legal assistance because I was shocked that I was actually injured I called my fiancé and told her that I was going to need a lawyer, so she googled the top 5  personal injury law firms in NY and The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm came up. One of the representatives from the firm took the time to come personally to my home to see me, that immediately showed me that I was going to be able to make it through my pain and suffering they understood what I was going through and with patience, persistence, and diligence they were able to get the best results possible in settling my case. I highly recommend the Jacob Fuchsberg Law firm when the unexpected happens you will not be dissatisfied with the kind, courteous and professionalism that you would expect from a law firm.

Keith Middleton




Very satisfied with the representation I was given from this law firm.  I would recommend Fuchsberg to anyone with a unique situation such as mine. My attorney went above and beyond to ensure everything was done thoroughly and in a timely manner! Everything about this firm exceeded my expectations! Very special thank you to Chris,  Allison, and Brad!

Marie Price



Our Clients’ Reviews

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Contact Our Lawyers for Inmates’ Rights for a Free Consultation

Contact an inmate rights attorney at the Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm today for a free strictly confidential consultation. Our team of attorneys will help you gather evidence while imprisoned, and we can help you hold the correction officers and prison guards responsible for your abuse accountable. 

If we represent your case, there are no legal fees unless you are awarded compensation for your damages and losses.

  • We are available to you 24/7

  • Compassionate in our approach

  • Accessible & available



Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a successful case?

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Denial of medical care, resulting in severe permanent injury; or abuse by prison guards, also resulting in severe permanent injury.

What are the steps to take to have a successful case?

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For an incarcerated person to bring a claim against the government, there are several procedural requirements that they first need to complete. Consultation with an experienced civil rights lawyer is required to assess your individual claim.

Can I speak to a lawyer while I am incarcerated?

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Yes, there are confidential channels through which you can communicate with your counsel. Legal call and legal mail are the most common methods, but there are other ways in which you can communicate with a lawyer as well. You should not hesitate to reach out to an experienced lawyer just because you are incarcerated.




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