Jaehyun Oh

Jaehyun Oh

(212) 869-3500
(212) 398-1532

Jaehyun Oh is an experienced civil rights, personal injury, and medical malpractice lawyer. As of 2022, Jae was recognized across the country for securing then-largest settlement in history for sexual assault of incarcerated persons in Federal Bureau of Prisons custody. Since then, Jae has represented numerous survivors of sexual abuse, in and out of carceral setting. Of particular note, she has represented 36 women who were sexually abused in FCI Dublin. She has served as plaintiffsā€™ liaison-counsel in over a hundred civil cases that have been filed in relation to FCI Dublin sexual abuse. She has also represented a victim testifying before the U.S. Senate on the issue of prison sexual abuse, which was instrumental in reforms within the federal government including passage of the Prison Camera Reform Act. Jaeā€™s skilled advocacy for underserved population is appreciated by her clients and in the legal community alike.

As one of the top-rated civil rights attorneys, Jae spearheads the Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firmā€™s civil rights practice. She has successfully handled numerous matters in the areas of prisoner rights, police brutality, and employment discrimination. In addition to sexual abuse, Jae is particularly skilled at representing prisoners who were severely injured while incarcerated, either due to denial of reasonable medical care or due to denial of adequate security protection. In these circumstances, Jae has successfully brought claims for deliberate indifference to prisonersā€™ constitutional rights as well as for medical malpractice and negligence. She has developed a unique knowledge base in interacting with formerly and presently incarcerated clients and overcoming the challenges associated with these cases. In addition, her written and oral advocacy skills including in federal briefing are widely recognized as exceptional.

In addition to her civil rights practice, Jae has handled numerous medical malpractice and personal injury cases to disposition. Her meticulous research and writing abilities, analytical skills, and compassionate personality serves her well in these areas as well. Jae routinely obtains six- and seven-figure resolutions in favor of catastrophically injured clients. Her recent engagements in medical malpractice include one involving failure to diagnose uterine cancer of a young woman who eventually died from metastasis of the cancer; failure to diagnose spinal compression of a patient who suffered permanent paralysis as a result; and failure to immediately initiate stroke protocol for a patient who became wheelchair-bound and cognitively disabled as a result. Her recent engagements in personal injury include one involving a catastrophic gas explosion due to landownerā€™s premises liability and one involving limb amputation due to defective design of a machine.

As a South Korean national, Jae brings unique cultural understanding and linguistic skills to the firm. She resided in Korea until high school and thus has native-level fluency in both English and Korean. Jae graduated Swarthmore College with BA in Psychology and Educational Studies, with High Honors. She then attended Harvard Law School, where she joined the Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review as an editor, worked at the Education Law Clinic to obtain appropriate school placements for children with disabilities, and received a Deanā€™s Scholarship in the field of evidentiary law. Always having worked in litigation boutiques on the plaintiffsā€™ side, Jae strongly believes in leveling the playing field:

ā€œWhen an individual is wronged, it is a challenge to take on the corporation, government or institution that may have injured that person. Being there to represent such an individual assures balanced representation.ā€

Jaeā€™s work has been featured in The New York Times,Ā Associated Press,Ā Prison Legal News, Law360, NPR, News 12, New York Law Journal, and other national and local media outlets. She has also been invited as a lecturer by reputable organizations including New York State Trial Lawyers Association, New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers, and Prisonersā€™ Legal Services.


Jaehyun Oh
  • Harvard Law Scool, Cambridge, MA (J.D., 2018)
  • Swarthmore Ā College, Swarthmore, PA (B.A., 2015)

Bar Admissions

Jaehyun Oh
  • New York, 2019
  • New Jersey, 2019
  • Southern District of New York, 2019
  • Eastern District New York, 2019
  • Western District of New York, 2019
  • Northern District of New York, 2019
  • District of New Jersey, 2020
  • District of Connecticut, 2021
  • District of Maryland, 2022

Publications &Ā Presentations

Jaehyun Oh

Awards & Memberships

Jaehyun Oh