Birth Injuries

Newborns Sustain Brutal Injuries Resulting in Nurse's Suspension

March 9, 2018
Table of Contents

“Five infants suffered serious injuries including a fractured skull, rib, and arm in the newborn unit of a Wisconsin hospital and the nurse who cared for them has been suspended, a federal agency said in a report after it inspected the hospital” New York Post March 9, 2018.We all put our faith and trust in nurses whose role in the hospital is to act on behalf of patients in providing competent and safe treatment. Nurses are the front-line in caring for patients and act as the eyes and ears for doctors. It is shocking when the horrific conduct occurs in our hospitals and especially to our children.At the Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm, we represent some of the most catastrophically injured children as a result of obstetrical malpractice and neonatal negligence. We take great pride in holding medical professionals accountable for their actions and recovering funds for the lifetime medical expenses to support these children.


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