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Prison Wrongful Death Lawyers in New York City

Losing a loved one in a NYC prison raises complex legal questions and demands accountability. If you suspect negligence or wrongdoing, our wrongful death attorneys can help you navigate the process and secure justice.

The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm team
The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm team
The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm team
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Our Successful Stories

Civil Rights

$3 Million

Firm settles largest inmate sexual assault claim against U.S. government in history

Civil Rights

$2 Million

Prisoner loses her vision after the jail fails to provide proper medical care

Civil Rights

$1.25 Million

Prostate cancer due to correctional facility’s failure to attend to medical needs

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Holding NYC Prisons Accountable: Your Rights After a Loved One’s Death

When a loved one dies in a NYC prison, their family has the right to understand the circumstances surrounding the death and to pursue legal action if negligence, wrongdoing, or abuse is suspected. 

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The right to information: You can demand details surrounding the death, including autopsy reports, witness statements, and any investigative findings by the prison or authorities.
  • The right to independent investigation: If you have reason to question the official cause of death, you may be able to request an independent autopsy or investigation.
  • The right to seek compensation: Wrongful death lawsuits can seek damages for the anguish your family has suffered, loss of companionship, and even potential financial support the deceased might have provided.

Even while incarcerated, individuals retain fundamental constitutional rights. Violations of those rights that result in death should be thoroughly investigated so the responsible parties can be held accountable.

Your Advocates in New York Wrongful Prison Death Cases: How We Help

FCI Dublin Prison Sexual Assault Lawyers

With over 40 years of experience, our attorneys understand the complexities of fighting for justice when a loved one has died in prison.

We offer you:

  • In-depth investigations: We meticulously gather evidence, including prison records, medical reports, witness accounts, and expert testimony, to build the strongest possible case.
  • Fighting bureaucracy: We'll handle complex legal procedures with government agencies and the prison system, unburdening you during this difficult time.
  • Compassionate and skilled negotiations: We fight for the maximum compensation you deserve, both through settlement negotiations and in court, if necessary.

In cases where systemic failures led to your loved one’s death, we may pursue broader changes as advocates beyond the courtroom to prevent future tragedies. 

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No Upfront Costs: Contingency Fees in Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Most wrongful death attorneys in New York, including ours, work on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay no legal fees unless we win your case and secure a settlement or court award on your behalf. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Free consultation: We'll review your case and discuss your legal options at no cost to you.
  • The contingency agreement: If we take your case, we'll agree to a percentage of the compensation we recover for you.
  • You pay nothing out of pocket: We cover the costs of investigating your case, gathering evidence, and litigating if necessary.

This system ensures that anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one due to prison negligence or abuse can afford to fight for justice, regardless of their financial situation.

Negligence, Abuse, and System Failures: Why Wrongful Deaths Happen in NYC Prisons

NYC prisons have a disturbingly high rate of wrongful deaths, leaving families seeking both answers and justice. 

Some of the most frequent causes involve:

  • Medical negligence: This includes delayed or denied treatment, misdiagnosis, medication errors, and ignoring critical mental health needs.
  • Excessive force by guards: Unnecessary brutality during prisoner interactions or the suppression of disturbances can turn deadly.
  • Negligent supervision and safety failures: Failure to prevent suicides, inmate violence, or address dangerous prison conditions can lead to tragedy.
  • Inadequate facility conditions: Structural failures, fires, unsanitary conditions, or extreme temperatures can pose deadly risks.

Each case is unique. If you have lost a loved one in a NYC prison, a thorough investigation is necessary to identify the specific cause and those liable for the death.

Liability in NYC Prison Deaths: Who Can Be Sued?

Determining who is responsible for a prisoner’s death requires a thorough investigation of the circumstances.

Here are the parties that might be held liable in a wrongful death lawsuit:

  • Individual corrections officers: Officers who engage in excessive force, deliberate cruelty, or ignore clear signs of distress could be directly responsible.
  • Prison administration and staff: Prison leadership could be held responsible for fostering a culture of abuse, inadequate training of staff, or failing to address known safety hazards.
  • Medical providers: Healthcare practitioners within the prison or contracted by it can be liable for medical negligence or malpractice.
  • Government agencies: City or state agencies responsible for overseeing the prison system might bear responsibility in cases of widespread neglect.

Officers, doctors, agencies, and other entities involved in providing care and services to inmates have a duty to ensure that safety standards are met. When they breach that duty, they can be held responsible for the outcome.

What Can Families Recover After a Wrongful Prison Death?

While no amount of money can ever undo the loss of a loved one, wrongful death lawsuits in NYC can seek various types of compensation to help families cope with financial burdens and find a sense of justice.

This may include:

Economic Damages

This type of compensation covers tangible losses, such as funeral expenses, medical bills incurred before death, and the potential lost income the deceased would have contributed to the family.

Non-Economic Damages

Also known as general damages, non-economic damages compensate for the pain and suffering of the deceased before death, and the grief, emotional distress, and loss of companionship experienced by the survivors.

Punitive Damages

In cases of extreme negligence or malice, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible parties and deter similar wrongdoing.

Don’t Lose Your Right to Sue: Time Limits for NYC Prison Wrongful Death Cases

In New York, there are strict time limits, called statutes of limitations, for filing wrongful death lawsuits. For cases against government entities, including prisons, these deadlines can be even shorter.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • General rule: The standard statute of limitations for wrongful death in NY is two years from the date of death.
  • Exceptions for government agencies: If you are suing a city, county, or state prison, you typically have only 90 days to file a notice of claim, which is a necessary first step.
  • Potential for extension: In rare cases, the deadline might be extended if the cause of death is not immediately apparent or new evidence emerges.

To protect your legal rights after a loved one’s death in prison, it’s vital to consult with a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible. At Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm, our team is equipped to help you meet every deadline in the pursuit of compensation and justice.

Understanding the Timeline: How Long Do Prison Wrongful Death Cases Take?

Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer to how long it takes to receive compensation after a wrongful death that occurred in prison. Cases involving government entities often have added complexity.

Several factors can influence the timeline, including:

  • Length of investigation: Gathering evidence, getting expert opinions, and building a strong case takes time, especially when dealing with potentially uncooperative prison officials.
  • Negotiation vs. trial: If a fair settlement can be reached through negotiation, the process can be faster than going to trial, which may take significantly longer.
  • Case complexity: The specific circumstances, the number of liable parties, and the legal arguments involved can all influence the timeline.

While some cases might be resolved within a year or two, it’s not uncommon for these lawsuits to take several years to conclude.

We Take on All NYC Correctional Facilities

We have the knowledge and resources to investigate wrongful deaths occurring at any NYC correctional facility, including:

Rikers Island Correctional Facility (all facilities on the island) Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC)
Vernon C. Bain Center (VCBC) Otis Bantum Correctional Center (OBCC) Eric M. Taylor Center (EMTC)
Anna M. Kross Center (AMKC) Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward Brooklyn Detention Complex (BDC)

While we’ve listed some of the major NYC correctional facilities where we have experience, this list is not exhaustive. If your loved one died in any NYC prison, we urge you to contact us for a free consultation. We have the resources and determination to fight for justice, no matter where the tragedy occurred.

Get Justice for Your Loved One’s Wrongful Prison Death

Prison deaths demand answers and consequences. Let us fight for the justice your family needs. Contact us today.

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Our Clients’ Reviews


I cannot rate the firm any higher! we are extremely happy with the service we received from Brad, Chris and the team. We are northern Irish citizens and as such had no experience of the US justice system, Chris and Brad helped us navigate this and made sure we understood every step of the process and we were kept informed of what would happen with the case.

We also felt that Brad and Chris had a genuine interest in our story, what the implications for us as a family were and they were genuinely invested in how they could help our situation.

We were reassured by the manor in which Chris and Brad dealt with us and trusted that the advice we were given was always well balanced and in our best interests. We were extremely happy with the outcome the firm achieved for us and feel that we only got this outcome due to the hard work of Chris and Brad. I would not hesitate to recommend the firm to anyone who is considering a case and wants to feel as though they are really valued as a client.

Many thanks to the firm for all of their hard work on our behalf it truly is appreciated.

Leanne Montgomery




Let’s go to the beginning when I realize that I was going to need legal assistance because I was shocked that I was actually injured I called my fiancé and told her that I was going to need a lawyer, so she googled the top 5  personal injury law firms in NY and The Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm came up. One of the representatives from the firm took the time to come personally to my home to see me, that immediately showed me that I was going to be able to make it through my pain and suffering they understood what I was going through and with patience, persistence, and diligence they were able to get the best results possible in settling my case. I highly recommend the Jacob Fuchsberg Law firm when the unexpected happens you will not be dissatisfied with the kind, courteous and professionalism that you would expect from a law firm.

Keith Middleton




Very satisfied with the representation I was given from this law firm.  I would recommend Fuchsberg to anyone with a unique situation such as mine. My attorney went above and beyond to ensure everything was done thoroughly and in a timely manner! Everything about this firm exceeded my expectations! Very special thank you to Chris,  Allison, and Brad!

Marie Price



Our Clients’ Reviews

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Don’t Let Your Loved One’s Prison Death Go Unchallenged

We’ll help you navigate the legal complexities and demand justice. Contact us now for your free consultation.

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